It’s also curious to challenge who will accept a friend request. Did I mention my sudden closeness with Brian Boitano? But I digress.
Today I received an email from a family friend who I have not seen or spoken to in twenty seven years. I was nine the last time I saw her. A quick email, picture, and voila...back in touch. I think the last time I saw her, my older brother Gary thought it would be a fun idea to streak by the campfire while she was cooking s’mores, still my favorite dessert. She was roughly seventeen and Gary the same. The site of my older brother naked, except for a pair of Converse All Stars, running through the desert is still ingrained in my brain. She included the above picture of me sitting in the back of our family dune buggy in Anza Borrego ( http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=638 ), averting spinal disaster by a mere few feet. And to think my kids are locked into their five point harness while heading three blocks to our local Ralph’s. Definitely a different time.
To Real Estate:
Yesterday I held 881 Matilija Road open from 1pm-4pm. This was virtually the same time as the Philadelphia vs. Arizona game, so I thought that we would get four or five groups through. We had over 110 people through the home in those three hours. It felt like 2005-2006 all over again. Please visit Clarkliving.com or StephenPlacial.com to see pictures of the house. Additionally, a home in Silver Lake went into multiples and was bid up over $100,000 last week. With change in the air, Obama taking office tomorrow (seeya W.) http://www.redbubble.com/people/melinda/t-shirts/2271571-2-bye-bye-george-bush, and some old friends reconnecting, 2009 is shaping up to be a great year.