Oh yes, this is going to be great! My wife and kids will be out of town for four days. That's got to be several hundred hours right? I am going to sleep in every day, smoke cigars, golf, and see bad movies with guy friends.
Well, they left approximately 34 hours ago and I have not slept in, smoked a single cigar or golfed. I did catch the last twenty minutes of the Hulk on cable last night, alone. And, from what I saw it was in fact...bad. But I am supposed to be living it up bachelor style! I should be slightly buzzed in Vegas finishing up on the 18th hole getting ready for some gambling. As of now, I have worked and slept. Much more work than usual and just about the same amount of sleep. Why? Is this guilt or is the fantasy of cutting loose just that, a fantasy?
Tomorrow I am going to cut loose…
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