Today I remembered that Los Angeles is home to some really good people. I, like most, have become fairly cynical and yell back at drivers who yell at me. It’s actually become a great way to pass time in traffic, now that I’m limited by this preposterous cell phone law.
I met my buddy Eric for some coffee and bromance at the Coffee Table in Silver Lake. Man, it’s remarkable what a couple of hours of hanging with a buddy and shooting the shit will do for the soul! He’s an incredibly talented record producer with an awesome family. For a moment, I even forgot about how badly the Lakers got their asses handed to them last night.
But, let’s bring this around to real estate for a moment - as he is a client as well. He’s considering selling his house and getting a new place. I advised him to hold on to his home in Silver Lake and rent it out. That being said I also encouraged him to buy something as soon as possible (as it is a great time to purchase). Prices and rates are low and opportunities are everywhere!
On a slightly different parting note:
Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House only to have Ronald Regan REMOVE them when he took office.
Figures. Damn Republicans...
Hope you, Ceinwyn, Silas and Lucuinda are all well and have a great holiday. Missed seeing you 2 at the Kid Space event in San Marino.
On a separate note, I love the parting comment, being that I am one of those Damn Republicans. A little info for you and Ms. Juls is below since it seems like not much research went into why Reagan removed the solar panels. Now, I wouldn't go so far to say Damn Democrats never to research, Juls, because all this information should be investigated further, and I can't make the time right now. But it is interesting what a simple "Why did Reagan remove the solar panels....?" google search will get you. Read on and enjoy or stick with the sweeping generalizations.
According to the New York Times ( http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html then search using Reagan and removal of solar panels, etc.), they were removed when the roof was being repaired and, at the time, it was not cost-efficient to replace them. Now, statements are that they were not put back because of the symbolism Reagan didn't want to have and his commitment to big oil - ok, speculation, but unproven. I do believe that technology has come far and is most likely why the current damn Republican, Bush, has done this: And yet, President Bush uses solar energy on his ranch in Texas and has had 3 solar systems installed at the White House. He just hasn't used that politically. The system that Reagan had removed was used for heating water at the White House and is still being used today at a University where Reagan donated it.
What about Gore? Thank goodness he pays for carbon credits. That helps offset his carbon footprint.
I love investigating comments like these. -Charles Wood
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