There are always fascinating options out there for residential dwellings. And, there will always be the kind of person who embraces the slightly different and capitalizes greatly. I have recently been researching storage containers. A friend/client is in the container business and is very hip to the vast possibilities. For a multitude of reasons these large metal containers are amazing. They are built incredibly strong and for the most part are inexpensive. Traditionally they have been used to bring large quantities of products on ships and trains all over the world. But, some creative people have seen containers as a great way to recycle, help the needy and create some absurdly cool living situations. I for one was bowled over when I realized what people were doing with them. They are stackable and of course can be laid next to each other for greater width. Here is a movie that my wife’s company did the music for about these containers through Lexus.
www.thepowerofh.com/Here are a few links to show how this is done and some final products:
http://www.jetsongreen.com/2008/09/incredible-harb.htmlhttp://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2006/09/container-home-kit.htmlhttp://weburbanist.com/2008/06/01/more-cargo-container-homes-and-offices/http://shippingcontainerhousedesign.com/containerhome_1280.htmlhttp://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=los+feliz+container+house+photo&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=1&ct=titleHappy holidays,
1 comment:
Hi Steve!
I came across your site because i get google alerts for Violette Clark...somehow your site came up! Anyways i just wanted to tell you how much i love the idea of container living....very cool! I live in what you might describe as a Weird Home in B.C. Canada - it's been on Weird Homes tv...you can check it out on my youtube channel: creativeboho or see pics on my website www.violette.ca
Regarding the real estate situation. My friend in B.C is having a heck of a time selling her condo (it's lovely). I suggested she buy a St. Joseph statue and bury it upside down in a pot outside her deck. What do you think? Have you ever heard of that in your industry?
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